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Personnel Policy
Personnel Policy

In today’s world, we believe no one can dispute the validity of the concept that “personnel is the key to success”. Indeed, if Densan has succeeded in surviving through bad times and thriving in good times, it is mainly because of the high-quality shore and ship staff we retain.


We believe continuous training brings stability, quality and eventually improvement.


With regards to shore staff, Densan has one of the most consistent personnel. Most of the staff have been with the company for many years and proven their reliability and professional track record.


The cadet program has also been in use for many years and ex-cadets are now scattered onboard ships under our management at various ranks. As a company policy, we place at least 2 cadets onboard each ship we manage for our principals. There are many examples of personnel who started at cadetship and reached senior officer levels. The cadet program has also been in use for many years and our ex-cadets are scattered onboard our ships at various ranks now. We trust Masters, officers and crew we carefully compose for our principals’ vessels are of the highest quality and representing our values well over the world’s seas.


We trust our Masters, officers and crew are of the highest quality and representing us well all over the world’s seas.


© 2016 by DENSAN Shipping Co.Inc.

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